[清华历史讲堂]Janet Hartley:帝国时代:俄国1762-1825 12.8


演讲者:Janet Hartley

时间:2010年12月8日(周三) 上午9:50—11:20

地点:甲所 第三会议室

Janet Hartley,伦敦政治经济学院副院长,世界史教授,主要研究领域十八世纪和19世纪初俄国史。Professor Hartley is the Pro Director ;for Teaching and Learning and she has been seconded to the Directorate from 2007 until 2012. Professor Hartley's main fields of interest are Russian history in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Her ;books include The Study of Russian History from British Archive Sources (editor) (1986), Guide to Documents and Manuscripts in the United Kingdom relating to Russia and the Soviet Union (1987); Russia in the Age of the Enlightenment (editor with R. Bartlett), (1990); Alexander I (1994), Finland and Poland in the Russian Empire: A Comparative Study (editor with M. Branch), (1995); Britain and Russia in the Age of Peter the Great (editor with M. Anderson et al), (1998); A Social History of the Russian Empire 1650-1825 (1999), Charles Whitworth: Diplomat in the Age of Peter the Great (2002); 'A Clash of Cultures? An Anglo-Russian Encounter in the Early Eighteenth Century', in R. Bartlett, L. Hughes (eds), Russian Society and Culture and the Long Eighteenth Century (Lit Verlag, Munster, 2004). She also recently published a monograph on Russia, 1762-1815: Military Power, the State and the People (Greenwood Press, 2008). She is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Warburg Institute


